Monday 27 September 2010


I have had an insane week working on the youth website. It's been really fun (lots of drawing, scanning, editing, etc,etc..) but I am soooo tired, and SO much went wrong!
Today was fabulous because Liam and I were complete lazy slobs, we didn't get up till midday and then had a luxurious brunch. Then we went on a little journey to the garden centre, where we picked up some dying plants in the reduced section (we are sure we can revive them to full health). Our joyous gardening gardening spirit has returned, and as well as many flowers and new indoor plants, we are growing leeks, cut-and-come-again salad leaves, chillies and there are still a few more tomatoes left to ripen. We had quite a successful summer with spinach, ruby chard, strawberries, lots of different coloured and shaped beans, peas, one pitiful cucumber and some ladies fingers (okra). On top of that we have lots of herbs I need to freeze and dry for the winter.
I've been very inspired through it all by the lovely books of Alys Fowler, she is absolutely adorable! I love her quirky terrace garden, where she only grows things that are useful or beautiful. We watched the BBC series Edible Garden back in Spring, and before we knew it we were skip diving, planting plants in any container we could get our hands on (although we still haven't found an old tin bath to plant blueberries, yet..)
I've been reminded that AGES ago, I promised a post with images from the books and my comments on them, and I really would like to do this one day. But I am sorry to have forgotten.

Oh and one lunch this week, Liam came home with a bunch of beautiful roses which was such a lovely gesture, and gave me a smile in a crazy few days. I love that man!

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