Thursday 3 February 2011

19 years

There are 34 minutes left of my lovely sisters birthday. Today India turned into a 19 year old. Liam and I met her, mum, my grandparents and auntie Suzi for a drink, and some of us stayed on for some lunch. We chose a delicious open sandwich of goats cheese baked on roasted butternut and a generous helping of salad. It was lovely to then spend the afternoon with India, then a lovely meal with all the family this evening. I am well and truly full-to-the-brim of gorgeous food and drink and very much ready for bed.



India has been tremendously busy recently applying for university courses all over the country. Today I realised how much I am really going to miss her next year (And I'm sure she's going to miss me being her very regular hair dresser!). She is one of my bestest of friends. I love her generous, kind, caring heart, she see's the best in everyone, and is always encouraging me to do that too when I'm tired and all I can see is peoples faults (She has been the go-betweener in many sisterly feuds over the years!) I also love the way she appears so elegant, yet is the most clumsy person I've ever met (she somehow stood on a puppy last week!); she's hugely talented in so many aspects of art; when she gets tired she laughs and laughs and can't control herself; she dresses beautifully, with a very Amelie-est style, especially with her dark eyes and cute bob. There is so much that I love about this girl, I could go on for ages..
I pray that being 19 will be a really wonderful year for her, full of adventures one after the other. 

Bon anniversaire India!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful words, made me cry a little <3
