Sunday 17 March 2013


"A portrait of Queenie Valentine, once a week, every week in 2013."

Rain rain rain. I forgot the cover for her lap so when an unexpected downpour reared its head, a raincoat took its place. Her legs were dry but it wasn't able to ward off Queenie's hands from the rain.

This week has been a bit hazy. I know we went to the park and Queenie had her first go on the swings, which she loved. We fed the ducks and visited friends. Liam went away for a couple of days and she was quite sad, I think she may have missed him. She's started shuffling underneath chairs and sits there for ages, eating pears or drumming on a cake tin. Sleeping is still difficult and I'm not functioning well, hence the lack of memory this week!

This post is part of the 52 project. This week I loved the photographs taken by The Beetle Shack, especially the cheeky one of Pippi at the window.

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