Monday 15 July 2013


"A portrait of Queenie Valentine, once a week, every week in 2013."

Her auntie Scarlett came round and we built a tent. She was so excited. I bought her wooden trains and dominoes to play with and the rest is history. 

A week of glorious glorious sun! We've been on the beach, swam in the sea, played in the grass, picked clovers and flowers, and had plenty of dance sessions in the kitchen! It's been a very gooooood week! (today was a bit cloudy and I was knocked down to earth by remembering how much housework I have to do...) Despite all the fun we've had, the sun has drained us somewhat, Queenie's been exhausted, and within an hour of waking up in the morning she's already tired and grumpy. It is funny to watch her do her stroppy walk though. She does moody so good.

Joining in with Jodi's 52 project.

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