Wednesday, 12 March 2014


Mornings. Quiet moments and glow of the new sun. 

This pregnancy has been much the same as the last, though my life has changed so that it has felt quite different. The obvious is rest, or lack of it. Having a small one running around all day does mean that a chance to listen to your body isn't always that easy. I went a while trying to stick to "sleep when they sleep" as we are all told, foolishly I was tempted too often into using that time for myself. Now I seem to be a little too late. Over the last two months, Queenie's decided a daytime nap is a nuisance and the night has shrunk at both ends, with later nights and earlier mornings. Im exhausted! Admittedly she's never been a natural sleeper. We were in awe of friends babies who went down quietly at 6, then slept through for up to 15 hours! Then blessed them with two sleeps in the day! We have had numerous days where attempting one nap is futile! (This very moment in the room above me comes banging, chattering and singing. Anything but sleeping!)

By her first birthday we stopped comparing and accepted Queenie just doesn't need sleep in the same way others may. It has its benefits. She comes along to parties and dinners with friends, art events over in Falmouth, and is able to keep going deep into the night, being more sociable and energetic than the both of us.

The second trimester. This is the easiest part, we regain our energy for a few months and the sickness is a distant memory. The bump isn't heavy so there aren't too many aches and pains. It's a time for organisation and ticking off jobs before the hibernation months that come with a new baby in the family. So far I haven't felt that surge of energy or even a little flutter of it. December was full and I pushed myself, and have regretted it since. The problem with Queenie sleeping so little is I've not had the chance to rest and shake this illness. I'll have a good day, think finally I'm better, then plummet the next, feeling as rotten as ever.

These are a few things I've found help me.
Waking up early. It always seems counter productive to cut sleep. But just a little time to myself before the house awakens is a blessing. I make a tea, a porridge, then read or do a little yoga. I feel much better to have a head start before the onslaught of daytime hits me.

Water. I drink a big glass when I wake and then try to drink lots throughout the day, especially if I feel myself sinking.

Fresh fruit smoothies. This is our go-to easy energy smoothie. Banana, basil and honey (I sometimes add ginger or turmeric for a pick-me-up when I'm not feeling to well, or spinach if my blood count's a little low). The basil is great for sorting out digestion, so after a few days of having one each morning I feel less groggy.

Early night. Dur. And I'm really not good at this, especially when Liam's working a late shift. I love the still, quiet house. It consumes me for hours, then Liam comes in the door and I'm broken from the spell and realising the time, tiredness suddenly grips me.

A few other things along the way have helped me out, but nothing as much as the family around me. Liam, My parents and sisters. And for the last few days Liam's lovely mummy has been staying and helping out (as well as painting all of the rooms downstairs!) which has been an incredible blessing.

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